Fernando de Noronha

We have successfully arrived at Fernando de Noronha on Monday night at 11:00pm. We had a very fast crossing. The wind was very stable since Sunday night. Right after dinner it increased to 20 knots with gusts up to 25 but as it was coming from the South East, it did not add any strain on the boat. We regularly…

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Saturday December 18 was a long and eventful day. As it turned out we had a beautiful 2-hour visit of the island of the States. Although we arrived in the middle of the night, the sky was strangely lit towards the South. We woke up at 5:30 am with a dense fog hanging on the steep cliffs. We explored first…

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Dear Friends, An e-mail was sent last month by mistake. My website had expired and I had lost all the content and functionalities. My daughter Larissa rebuilt it from scratch. From the reactions of many of you, it seems that you are ready to follow the next adventures. We are now in full preparations of the second leg of the…

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